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COVID-19 Announcement
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Dear Customers, Our Commitment to You In this unparalleled time of uncertainty, the health and safety of our customers and employees is of upmost priority and will be at the heart of every decision that we make.
Visiting CET Productions At this time, CET will remain open for business. However, in order to protect everyone, we are taking several precautions to help everyone stay healthy and safe.
Safety Measures To ensure a safe environment, we will:
1. Increase the frequency of regularly scheduled cleanings and sanitation efforts; 2. Advise our employees to follow the public health authorities’ guidance.
In the Days Ahead At CET, we will remain open and available to help you with your business needs until we are told otherwise by the Federal or Provincial Government. Our customers may choose to pick up in store or have the items shipped directly to their location (by 3rd party courier companies).
We encourage you to take all precautions necessary to keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe. We will continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation. In the meantime, we will operate responsibly and keep the health of our customers and employees as the highest priority.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via cet@cetproductions.bc.ca if you have any questions.
CET Productions Team

May the coming year be your best one yet, filled with love and success!